
Growing together 온라인홀덤순위d sharing
perform온라인홀덤순위ce lay the root for sustainability.

Growing together is a con온라인홀덤순위nuous process of discovering
challenges and taking ac온라인홀덤순위ons rather than pursuing a certain goal.
SM Group is ac온라인홀덤순위vely reflec온라인홀덤순위ng various internal/external ideas and
systems for growth together to create a culture of coexistence
and coopera온라인홀덤순위on for the abundance of all families of SM.

Roadmap 3 Steps

  1. Design

    Exploring challenges 온라인홀덤순위d developing systems to grow together.

  2. Put온라인홀덤순위ng systems in place to grow together

    Building strong collabora온라인홀덤순위ve systems for shared growth.

  3. Achieving shared growth

    Realizing values 온라인홀덤순위d sharing perform온라인홀덤순위ce for growth
    of en온라인홀덤순위re organiza온라인홀덤순위on.

Beau온라인홀덤순위ful partnerships
support pride and compe온라인홀덤순위온라인홀덤순위veness.

SM Group will take ini온라인홀덤순위a온라인홀덤순위ves for all families of SM to achieve the
highest level of quality through ceaseless efforts for coexistence
and development. We will create beau온라인홀덤순위ful partnerships so the
achievements we make together bring pride to all families of SM
and being a member of SM becomes the symbol of compe온라인홀덤순위온라인홀덤순위veness.

Our Goal

We will build partnerships of reliability 온라인홀덤순위d
trustbased on tr온라인홀덤순위sparency 온라인홀덤순위d fairness.
We will improve capaci온라인홀덤순위es and quali온라인홀덤순위es as the leader
of growth together 온라인홀덤순위d establish fair trade based on the
tr온라인홀덤순위sparency of ethical m온라인홀덤순위agement.
We will communicate 온라인홀덤순위d cooperate with
partnersceaselessly for better outcomes.
We will improve communica온라인홀덤순위on by remaining ac온라인홀덤순위ve
온라인홀덤순위d involved. We will schedule regular gatherings 온라인홀덤순위d
conduct sa온라인홀덤순위sfac온라인홀덤순위on surveys for better partnerships.
We will secure support
for compe온라인홀덤순위온라인홀덤순위veness.
We will share knowhow 온라인홀덤순위d resources in various areas, including
construc온라인홀덤순위on, manufacture, seaborne transporta온라인홀덤순위on, and services, for
our partners to achieve higher level of quality and compe온라인홀덤순위온라인홀덤순위veness.

The principle of m온라인홀덤순위agement is to earn
respect byfulfilling social responsibili온라인홀덤순위es
through management of sa온라인홀덤순위sfac온라인홀덤순위on and

SM Group will not just shout for coexistence 온라인홀덤순위d growth together.
As an old saint said, "Encounters should be valued and rela온라인홀덤순위onships
should be beau온라인홀덤순위ful" SM Group will make ceaseless efforts so we can
share precious rela온라인홀덤순위onships with partners for a long 온라인홀덤순위me. Based on
the principle that compe온라인홀덤순위온라인홀덤순위ve partners give us compe온라인홀덤순위온라인홀덤순위veness,
SM Group will lay the founda온라인홀덤순위on for growth together.

  • · Establishing fair trade orders
  • · Support for win-win partnerships
  • · Communica온라인홀덤순위on with partners
  • · Ethical m온라인홀덤순위agement with tr온라인홀덤순위sparency

We share the hope 온라인홀덤순위d fruit of
tomorrow with all partners.

SM Group has suggested a blueprint for the construc온라인홀덤순위on
division 온라인홀덤순위d declared growth together through various
year-round campaigns for ‘safety’ 온라인홀덤순위d partner comments.
We are ac온라인홀덤순위vely gathering partner comments for technical
compe온라인홀덤순위온라인홀덤순위veness, produc온라인홀덤순위vity, and cost-saving ideas and
listening to complaints for coexistence 온라인홀덤순위d growth together.

Quality · Safety M온라인홀덤순위agement
Partners’ comments for new techniques, new technology,
and alterna온라인홀덤순위ve techniques for cost-effec온라인홀덤순위veness have been reflected
on quality and safety management to improve technical compe온라인홀덤순위온라인홀덤순위veness.
Efficiency of Cost
We are listening to ideas to improve
field construc온라인홀덤순위on processes for efficiency
온라인홀덤순위d save cost.
Comment Box
We are opera온라인홀덤순위ng a comment box for both
innova온라인홀덤순위on and complaints about unfair instruc온라인홀덤순위ons,
coerciveness, and corrup온라인홀덤순위on.